IRC has compiled a growing repository of tools and guidance for strengthening WASH service delivery.
Published on: 25/08/2016
The IRC WASH toolkit is meant as a contribution to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target of universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) by 2030. We feel this asks for a systems approach which tackles all dimensions such as monitoring systems to see whether services are delivered; financing frameworks that define who pays for what and how; and procurement mechanisms for infrastructure development.
From August 28th - September 2nd experts, practitioners, decision makers and business innovators within the WASH sector come together during the Stockholm World Water Week. As this is exactly the audience we want to address, we will proudly launch the toolkit on Monday August 29th 08.00h.
This toolkit includes best practices, case studies and approaches developed and tested in IRC's work with governments, NGOs and other partners in over 20 countries.
The tools come from big, multi-country initiatives, such as WASHCost, Triple-S and WASHTech, as well as more focused pieces of work, such as our partnership with the government of Ethiopia to develop guidelines for self-supply. We hope the toolkit extends the existing expertise of the users.
We are in the early stages of development, so for now the toolkit is a beta product. We encourage you to use and build on our work. We do, however, request you to acknowledge the source and share your experience with us. We also welcome your feedback as we continue to expand and refine the toolkit. Please send your comments, questions and experiences to