The SMARTerWASH project presents monitoring data.
Published on: 27/10/2015
On October 7, 2015 the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing (MWRWH) and the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) of Ghana in collaboration with IRC organised the State of Rural Water Services in Ghana" Forum.
The Forum presented the monitoring data that was collected by the CWSA on the state of rural water services in Ghana over the last year. Participants discussed the conditions that will need to be in place to ensure continuity of the monitoring process. The Forum was supported by the SMARTerWASH project.
Local newspaper the Daily Graphic published an interview by Edmund Smith-Asante with the focal person for the project and Director, Planning and Investments at CWSA, Mr Benedict K. A. N. Kubabom. Mr Kubabom explained how the the SMARTerWASH project collects data using android phones and AKVO FLOW software.