Rethinking collective action and innovative solutions to the water, environment, and climate change crisis in Uganda
Published on: 13/03/2024
The Ministry of Water and Environment in collaboration with partners will hold the seventh Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) from 18th – 22nd March 2024.
Organized under the theme; "Rethinking collective action and innovative solutions to water, environment, and climate change crisis in Uganda" the event will bring together Government Ministries, agencies and departments, Development Partners, Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, Cultural and Religious Institutions, Private Sector, Academia and Researchers within the Water and Environment network to engage and exchange information on water and environment management and development across various sectors of the economy.
The 7th UWEWK will be guided by four sub themes:
A key sponsoring partner in the silver category, IRC is participating as dialogue panellist, co-convenor of select sessions, moderators and speaking in the media throughout the week.
Highlight session: Sustainable access and utilization of water and environmental resources for economic development
Dialogue Sub-theme No. II - Nature-based solutions to solve water, environment and climate change crisis (Tuesday 19 March 2024, 09:30 – 10:45 am)
This sub-theme will explore opportunities for accelerating inclusive access to safely managed water and sanitation services in both rural and urban areas, the need to ensure availability of adequate and good quality water for domestic use and for productive purposes; promotion of transboundary water cooperation, scaling up integrated water resources management approaches, protection of the environment and all related ecosystems; and the role of sustainable utilization of water and environment resources to boost Uganda’s economy with improved livelihood and protection of communities. It will also highlight the relationships between the water-environment-energy-food nexus approaches with economic and environmental objectives to accomplish the objectives of optimal and sustainable management across all sectors.
As a member of the Ministry of Water and Environment Mentorship Programme, IRC will be part of the Graduation of Mentees 2023 / 2024 cohorts and the launch of the Ministry and UNHCR Internship / Placement Programme. IRC will co-host with Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI), Water For People and UNICEF the side event on Operations and Maintenance Framework for Rural Water Supply and will join EAWAG-SANDEC and Makerere University for the side event on Integrating Water, sanitation and Solid Waster for Small Towns.
Over the years, the UWEWK has matured into a flagship program for advocacy, information sharing, and learning within the water and environment spectrum. Browse the entire conference programme for sessions and side events of interest and look out for zoom links to join the conversations.