Online humanitarian Question&Answer [Q&A] forum KnowledgePoint is modernising in its user experience, data security and use of gaming technology, among other areas, over the next six months.
Published on: 08/02/2018
Q&A KnowledgePoint forum was set up in 2012 to give aid workers in remote locations access to free and fast expert advice, supporting aid agencies in exchanging and storing key technical knowledge.
KnowledgePoint has now gained more than 105,000 new and returning users across 183 countries*, with a global network of more than 150 technical experts answering questions on topics ranging from public health to security and logistics.
It provides fast and accessible technical expertise for humanitarian and development workers worldwide. Anyone can ask or answer a question – registering is free and the site is optimised for low-bandwidth conditions.
Its knowledge bank has grown over the years, with more than 900 contributions, in sectors ranging from engineering, to health care, to security, since its launch in 2012.
Read here the article originally authored by Harriette Purchas of RedR