Para Todos, Por Siempre (Everyone, Forever) is an initiative to promote universal access to sustainable water and sanitation services in some 28 municipalities in Honduras. IRC is one of the partners in this initiative.
Published on: 30/08/2014
The WASH crisis in Honduras continues to cause poverty and loss of lives, as some 800.000 persons don't have access to water supply. 1.6 million persons don't have adequate sanitation. Moreover, according to data from SIASAR (the rural water and sanitation information system) some 30% of all rural water supply systems is not in good condition. Only 15% of the rural water service providers are having a good level of performance for its responsibilities. For the remaining 85%, future sustainability of service delivery is in danger.
Against this background, some seven NGOs that work on WASH in Honduras, decided to join efforts to promote an innovative way of working that would allow achieving universal coverage with water supply and sanitation at all households, schools and clinics (Everyone), and that would provide quality services that are sustainable (Forever). In 2013, with support from the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) the Para Todos, Por Siempre (PTPS) initiative was started. The initiative has the ambitious vision of developing and testing innovative service delivery models, for quality and inclusive services. These models will be developed within the framework of government policies and strategies, so they can be easily taken to scale in the entire country. These models are also heavily based on experiences of the NGO Water For People in municipalities like Chinda, and from other NGOs.
Since then, the initiative has grown and is now active in some 28 municipalities across the country and has established relationships with different government entities and donors.
PTPS seeks to work according to the Framework Law and National Policy for the Water and Sanitation Sector of Honduras, aligning itself to the strategies proposed in those. At the same time, PTPS promotes innovation to these strategies, on the basis of 5 principles:
The adoption of the PTPS principles requires the participation of all those involved in different stages of the life-cycle of WASH services, including:
Currently, PTPS has 10 member NGOs, who jointly make up the assembly of members, which is the ultimate authority. The assembly of members is expanding, expecting other NGOs and government entities to join. The NGOs also promote the initiative at local level in 28 municipalities where they work together with the relevant municipal authorities and community organisations from these municipalities.
Figure 1: Municipalities associated with PTPS and the NGOs facilitating the initiative in them
In order to guide and monitor the implementation of the initiative, a Consultative Committee is established, made up of key sector organisations. They give strategic direction and guidance, and pose the necessary critical questions.
In order to increase the dynamics of the initiative, there is an Executive Committee, which together with the coordinator gives the day-to-day follow up to the activities and strategies defined in the operational plan,
Finally, there are several working groups, in which some of the members participate. These working groups elaborate parts of the strategies and principles of the initiative. For example, IRC leads a working group on costing and participates in one on monitoring.