IRC leads the cross-country learning and knowledge component.
Published on: 06/07/2017
The WASH SDG Consortium - WASH Alliance International (WAI), Plan Netherlands and SNV - has received a € 59 million grant from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The grant is for a programme to provide sanitation and hygiene services to 2 million people and water services to at least 450,000 people. The Consortium will implement their 5-year programme in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
The Consortium will ensure that facilities and services are sustainable, climate resilient, gender sensitive and socially inclusive. Every euro the Dutch government invests will be matched by one euro in local contributions from households, the private sector or local and national governments.
The Consortium’s programme contributes to the promise made by the Dutch government in April 2015, during the Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day celebrations, to provide safe water and clean toilets for respectively 30 million and 50 million people. The programme is also aligned with the 2016-2030 WASH policy of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
IRC is one of the WASH Alliance International (WAI) partners, which are involved in the Netherlands WASH SDG Programme. The other WAI partners in the programme are Simavi, Amref, Akvo, RAIN, WASTE, Wetlands International, PRACTICA Foundation and RUAF. Our role is to lead the cross-country learning and knowledge component. This will focus on a number of thematic areas that will be agreed during the inception phase. The learning will build on the work in the project locations and include pilots, case studies and analysis of data. Findings will be shared with the global sector during sector events.
Read the full press release.