It is our pleasure to announce that IRC Uganda country director Jane Nabunnya Mulumba has been appointed as WSSCC National Coordinator.
Published on: 17/12/2014
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is a global membership organisation hosted by the United Nations that responds to demands and needs of the poorest people in countries where sanitation and hygiene coverage is needed.
Under the auspices of the WSSCC, the National Coordinators lead coalitions of like-minded professionals who are WSSCC members. They carry out national and local level networking, knowledge management, advocacy and communications activities and are involved in Global Sanitation Fund programme activities. In Uganda, the National Sanitation Working Group coordinates and promotes hygiene and sanitation work throughout the country, while focusing on one particular group. As a National Coordinator Jane will be instrumental in guiding and supporting the WSSCC's strategic engagement in Uganda.