IRC Ethiopia is seeking an experienced finance expert to document/summarize the 1) budget and expenditures for sanitation in Ethiopia over the past five years and 2) budget as per the national WASH financing strategy and TSEDU program from 2023 to 2030.
Published on: 27/11/2023
USAID Transform WASH aims to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) outcomes in Ethiopia by increasing market access to and sustained use of a broader spectrum of affordable WASH products and services, with a substantial focus on sanitation. Transform WASH achieves this by transforming the market for low-cost high quality WASH products and services: stimulating demand at the community level, strengthening supply chains, and improving the enabling environment for a vibrant private market. USAID Transform WASH is a USAID-funded activity implemented by PSI in collaboration with SNV and IRC WASH. The consortium is working closely with government agencies, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Water and Energy, the One WASH National Program Coordination Office, the Ministry of Labor and Skills, and regional and sub-regional governments.
USAID Transform WASH seeks to influence national policy to improve the enabling environment for the implementation of sanitation interventions. One of the objectives is to increase the budget allocated for sanitation. As an initial step, the Transform WASH team plans to establish a solid overview of sanitation budgets and expenditures to allow informed decision-making.
Over the last year, the national WASH financing strategy has been developed revealing some data gaps mainly related to the provision of “access” to sanitation services. The proposed sanitation budget/expenditure tracking exercise is expected to build up on the WASH financing strategy with a specific focus on sanitation and to incorporate expected expenditures for the TSEDU Ethiopia program. Finally, the assessment is expected to highlight current data gaps and recommend improvements to the national finance management system to more reliably track budgets and expenditures for sanitation in Ethiopia.
Terms of References
Deliverables: PowerPoint slide deck with summary figures for the information listed in the ToR (all supported by a spreadsheet including reference to the raw data used and calculations/allocations applied). Results can be presented as a range if it is not possible to disaggregate all data. All assumptions need to be clearly described and data gaps highlighted. A list of references needs to be prepared and submitted along with the results, highlighting the most important reference documents. All results should be put in context with the national WASH financing strategy and TSEDU program. The timeframe of the assignment is 01/01/2024 to 30/03/2024.
1) Sanitation budget and expenditures in Ethiopia from 2017 (EY2010) to 2022 (EY2015):
2) Sanitation budget as per the national WASH financing strategy from 2023 to 2030:
3) Recommendations to inform our advocacy work:
Decision making
The consultant will report to the Transform WASH team at IRC Ethiopia, and work closely with an international expert to develop the work outputs. The timeframe of the assignment is 01/01/2024 to 30/03/2024.
The consultant
The following documents need to be submitted by interested individual consultants:
Applicants are kindly requested to submit the documents listed above by 12th December to IRC, attn. Fretsega Girma at Interviews will be scheduled in the week of 18th December and the preferred starting date is January 2023. Questions can be directed via email to the attention of Melaku Worku (
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