The RWSN Forum is the foremost global event on rural water services and takes place every 5 years.
Published on: 15/02/2016
Some 650 participants from all over the world are expected to the 7th RWSN Forum, which will be held from November 29th to December 1st, in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The Forum will be in English and French.
With the title, Water for Everyone, the Forum will explore how we are going to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in rural areas and small towns. What has worked well in the past? What needs to be done differently in the future?
The participants are mainly rural water supply professionals and practitioners. Where political leaders participate, they are encouraged to engage in the sessions and exhibition as equals with the other participants.
You are invited to present a paper, a poster, a film, a picture or photo, an exhibition stand or sponsored seminar with your own content.
The Open Call for Submissions deadline has been extended by one week to Friday, May 6th, 2016.. Forum discussions will be based on submissions for long and short papers, posters, illustrations and short films, entered around the following themes:
Register at: The early bird registration fee (for all participants) is €500 (up to June 30th, 2016).
The Forum organisers are: Skat Foundation, SDC, UNICEF, World Bank, WaterAid, IRC and the African Development Bank