2007-2011: Development of strategic directions for integrated urban water management in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area
Under the SWITCH project, IRC was engaged in the participatory development of strategic directions for integrated urban water governance for the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area.
2014-2016: Strengthening Local Government to deliver water services - IRC Ghana/CWSA, funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
As part of the project delivery, IRC Ghana in collaboration with the Community Water and Sanitation Agency and Conrad Hilton Foundation grantees (World Vision, Safe Water Network, WaterAid, Desert Research Institute) supported 13 districts in Ghana to develop long term District WASH plans . The process involved mapping of water facilities to create water asset register, assessment of water service levels, a study of what it takes to reach full coverage and training in Life Cycle Cost Approach (LCCA). These informed the preparation of the District WASH plans which were later incorporated into the District Medium Term Plans. By the end of the project, some 9 of the 13 districts had finalised their long-term plans. The plans have since been implemented by the districts in collaboration with the Hilton Grantee Partners- WVI, WaterAid and other development partners.
2017-ongoing: Master plan development and implementation in Asutifi North district
In 2017, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation granted funding to support a partnership of its grantees in Ghana to implement a district- based program towards delivering water services to everyone in the Asutifi North district of Ghana by 2030. Central to the initiative is collective visioning and co-creation of a WASH master plan to guide the programme implementation.
The 13-year Asutifi North WASH Master Plan was validated and launched in 2018.
On 26th March 2019, the Asutifi North District Assembly hosted a grand ministerial launch of the investment phase of the Asutifi North District Ahonedia Mpumtuo (ANAM) initiative for implementation of the master plan.
A detailed costing and funding gap analysis for the master plan was published in early 2020. Implementation of the master plan is ongoing.
2021-ongoing: Master plan development and implementation in Upper Denkyra East Municipality
On the request of the Anesvad Foundation, IRC started a district WASH and Neglected Tropical Deceases (NTD) master planning process in Upper Denkyra East Municipality in 2021.
2023-ongoing: Master plan development in three additional districts in Ahafo region
WIth support of the CNHF, and with active involvement of the Ahafo Regionla Coordination Council (RCC), district WASH master planning was scaled up from Asutifi North to three additional districts in the region: Tano North, Asunafor North, and Asunafo South. Master plan development in these districts started in 2022 and the plans were published and launched in 2023.
2024-onging: Further upscaling of district WASH master planning in Ahafo Region
In 2024, RCC, in collaboration iwth IRC and with support from CNHF will further scale district WASH master planning in the region, with the development of district WASH master plans for the remaining two districts in the region.
IRC supports the National Development Planning Committee (NDPC) in the development and piloting of a district WASH planning toolkit. In the future we intend to explore collaboration with NDPC and other government institutions to scale up district WASH master planning in the country.