Published on: 25/10/2016
IRC and Plan would like to invite you to "What's New Pussycat? How Tom Jones inspired better learning and collaboration in WASH", a roundtable discussion on learning in the WASH sector.
As a sector, we are trapped in our old ways of distilling and sharing knowledge – essentially a sector-wide goldfish bowl syndrome. We lack trend analysis; learning in and from context; and fail to use and disseminate the learning we do have.
This roundtable which is on invitation only is designed to question our approaches and trigger new thinking about the way we learn and use learning for decision making. We plan to use highlights from the learning sessions at the UNC Water and Health Conference to support and guide the discussion.
Highlighted sessions at UNC:
• Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (Tues/Wed/Thu 10.30-12.00 Dogwood)
• Closing Knowledge Gaps in Global Health Research (Tue 8.30-12.00 Windflower)
• Harnessing Information Systems for WASH Access in Developing World (Tue 8.30-12.00 Azalea)
• Evidence from Action in WASH & Healthcare (Wed 8.30-10.00 Redbud)
• Learning from Local Experiences in Integrating WASH & Watershed Conservation (Wed 8.30-12.00 Dogwood)
• Learning from KM Failures: an Opportunity to Learn from Others (Thu 8.30-12.00 Bellflower)
When: October 26, 14:30 – 18:30
Where: Washington DC. USA
Please RSVP to Elynn Walter at We look forward to seeing you soon.