Organised by the SuSanA India Chapter, IRC, India Sanitation Coalition and WaterAid.
Published on: 19/05/2020
Research from past SARS epidemics has proved fragments of the viruses from infected human beings are found in wastewater and sewage. In the case of COVID-19, these can be isolated and analysed to determine if there are infections in an area.
According to WHO and UNICEF, while there is "no evidence to date of COVID-19 transmission via sewerage systems" [...] "as viral fragments have been found in excreta and because of other potential infectious disease risks from excreta, wastewater should be treated in well-designed and well-managed centralized wastewater treatment works" [WHO/2019-nCoV/IPC_WASH/2020.3]. In India viral fragments have been detected in sewage in Chennai and there are reports that testing was planned in Bengaluru and Kolkatta.
The speakers invited to this webinar will discuss how to address the concerns of stakeholders in towns that arise from testing sewage for COVID-19. These stakeholders include decision-makers and technical staff, health workers and sanitation workers. Speakers will also consider the health and safety of sanitation workers, and the public health implications of COVID-19 in sewage.