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Published on: 09/08/2023

This was the fourth webinar in the South Asia Dialogue Series on Sustainable Development Goal 6 series co-convened by UNICEF, SWA, WaterAid, FANSA, IRC, CPRIndia and Athena. It focused on adaptation to climate change and resilient WASH programming.

The webinar comprised of two framing presentations. The first presentation by Peter Harvey, Regional WASH Advisor, UNICEF South Asia, focused on the need for WASH infrastructure and services to be sustainable, safe, and resilient to climate-related risks and how it can be ensured. The second presentation by Jose Gesti, Climate Advisor, SWA reflected on the importance of how resilient WASH programs must contribute to building community resilience to the impacts of climate change. It elaborated on how achieving resilience would be possible only if attention is given to those who are disproportionately vulnerable to climate threats.

The panel discussion was moderated by Reis Lopez from UNICEF and the panel consisted of Professor K. Matin Ahmed, from the University of Dhaka, Ms. Pritha Hariram, Head of the Water Infrastructure and Climate Adaptation department at Ramboll and Mr. Syed Zahid Aziz, Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority in Lahore (Pakistan).

Watch the webinar video recording below and read a summary of the key takeaways from this and the other webinars here.


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