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Published on: 26/10/2020

national_learning_exchange Ghana partners

Ensuring universal access to safe and affordable water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) for all by 2030 requires a collective effort, finance, and cooperation to deliver the targets across the entire cycle. With about 10 years to the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda, there is the growing need to identify and share innovative approaches and actions that can be replicated and scaled-up towards the delivery of the SDGs.

The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in collaboration with IRC and partners carried out documentation exercise from 18th February to 4th March 2020 to collate and publish ongoing innovative WASH interventions from selected district assemblies implementing the district-wide approaches; namely Wassa East, Bongo and Asutifi-North District.

The NDPC in collaboration with IRC, WaterAid Ghana and Water4/Access Development together with the three Assemblies are convening the third National Learning Exchange on District-wide Approaches focused on showcasing the innovations and good practices for WASH as leverage for further interactions on local system strengthening for replication across the country. The objective is to, i) present current country SDGs update and raise awareness on lessons of the innovative WASH interventions; ii) exchange implementation experiences and iii) provide an opportunity for learning and generating clear recommendations to replicate and widen the scope of the interventions.

The three-fold session will highlight the national WASH SDG progress updates and the good practice for WASH lessons from the three districts; the partner MMDAs' will then showcase and share lessons of implementation of the DWAs in a market place fashion, and finally, perspectives from the feedback session will provide rich input for an interactive panel discussion. The discussions will be guided towards a set of conclusions – take away messages and follow-up actions to support replication of lessons towards SDG 6.

For the agenda, see the Programme Brief of the National Learning Exchange 12 November 2020.


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