Strengthening Systems and Partnerships for Accelerated Action on Safely Managed Sanitation and Hygiene
5 - 11 November 2023
Published on: 06/11/2023
The Africa Sanitation (AfricaSan) Conference was initiated to provide a platform for technical and political dialogue with governments and stakeholders to identify and share knowledge to address the sanitation and hygiene challenges in Africa.
Organised biennially, the conference promotes high-level political prioritization of sanitation and hygiene issues across the continent. Since its creation, the AfricaSan movement has inspired other regions across the developing world to initiate similar sanitation conferences. Some of which include East Asia Sanitation Conference (EASAN); South Asia Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), and Latin America Sanitation Conference (LATINOSAN).
This year the conference will be taking place from 5-11 November in Swakopmund, Namibia.
The specific objectives for the AfricaSan7 conference include:
IRC and One For All colleagues will be present at the conference and co-convening the following sessions:
Sanitation financing for increased access to improved household sanitation: A case of Blantyre City
Location: Meeting room 3
Reimagining private sector engagement in sanitation
Location: Meeting room 1
Convenor: UNICEF
Public-private partnerships for sustainable feacal sludge management services in urban areas: Case of Blantyre City
Location: Meeting room 6
Convenors: USAID/Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability #2
Public-private partnerships to strengthen market systems to deliver safely managed sanitation for all
Location: Meeting room 1
Convenors: UNICEF, LIXIL
Public-private partnerships for sustainable feacal sludge management services in urban areas: Case of Blantyre City
Location: Meeting room 6
Private Sector Dialogue
Market-based sanitation and inclusion: Ethiopia's experience
Location: Meeting room 7
Convenors: Ministry of Health (MoH) Ethiopia, USAID Transform WASH, IRC
Two presentations will be delivered during this session:
1. Progress in reaching universal coverage in selected intervention kebeles of USAID Transform WASH: successes and limitations.
2. Sanitation financing strategy by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, including the national sanitation subsidy protocol and subsidy pilot study.
Panel discussion will elaborate on how market-based approaches can be designed to also reach the most vulnerable populations.
Leveraging sanitation investment to meet the SGDs goal by 2030 in Africa: Example from Tanzania, Uganda, and Malawi
Convenors: Water For People, IRC
The session will do the deep dive analysis on sanitation and hygiene investment with reference to Water Sector Development Programme (2006–2025) particularly phase II and III. Water For People, IRC and government representatives will be the convener and lead participant to analyse, reflect and explore more sanitation and hygiene financial solutions to attain SGD goals by 2030.
Ministry of Health Tanzania will present 'the road towards Universal Access to Basic WASH Services in Rural Tanzania'". Water For People Malawi will present Sanitation evolving fund to increase Sanitation and Hygiene Financing. IRC will present an abstract on supporting Kabarole District Leadership towards delivery of WASH services for all by 2030 and Water For People Tanzania will convene panellist discussion with Ministry of Health in Tanzania, Ministry of Health Malawi/ representatives and IRC government representative.
Practical application of market-based solutions for improved sanitation: lessons from USAID Transform WASH
Location: Meeting room 7
Harnessing partnership for sustainable sanitation and hygiene services at scale
Location: Swakopmund Plaza Hotel, 42 Libertina Amathila Avenue
Maximizing existing market potential and enabling environment for FSM in African cities
Location: Meeting room 1
1. Catalysing the sanitation economy and the menstrual hygiene management in Uganda: Investment cases
2. Public-private partnerships for sustainable feacal sludge management services in urban areas: A case of Blantyre city
3. Experiences of City Wider Inclusive Sanitation programming: A case of Kampala City
4. Private sector participation in fecal sludge management: experiences from Kigali City
Decision support tools for sanitation policymaking: approach and practical application
Location: Meeting room 2
Convenors: WASHPaLS #2