Published on: 12/06/2017
The conference invites participants from over 40 countries to share experiences and achievements on the sustainable delivery of WASH services through international cooperation. The week includes three days to discuss and debate peer reviewed content, followed by two days of tailored capacity development workshops.
Local action with international cooperation to improve and sustain water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services.
Side events
Sustainable service delivery models for drinking water in rural areas (topic 8: Achieving sustainability of water services)
Date: Monday 24th July Afternoon
Convening organisations: UNICEF, IRC and Oxford University
Room: 30-40 Cafe
Description: UNICEF, IRC and Oxford University have been advancing new approaches to improve sustainability of water supply infrastructure in rural Africa and Asia. A key aspect has been shifting away from focusing on building infrastructure to delivering sustainable services. The event will articulate the implications and concrete lessons learnt from implementing innovative service models at scale, in countries such as Rwanda, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Vietnam and Cambodia.
At this event, through a mix of market place and facilitated discussions, governments and their partners will be able to share their experiences of strengthening water service delivery in rural areas.
Working with government for sustainable services
Date: Wednesday 26th July Afternoon
Convening organisations: WaterAid, SNV, Water For People, IRC - to be confirmed
Room: 30-40 Cafe
Description: The need for strong government partnerships is essential if we are to achieve SDG 6. This requires WASH NGOs to shift their approach towards one that builds and strengthens permanent government institutions and systems that can sustain WASH services long after they have left communities. This side session will provide participants from NGOs and government with an opportunity to share their experiences of working together and to untangle some of the challenges that arise. Participants from low and middle income country governments, and NGOs with experience of working in government partnerships, are strongly encouraged to attend.
Paths to SDG 6 – Roadmapping a way to full service delivery of WASH at district level
Date: Friday 28 July, full day
Convening organisations: IRC, WaterAid, Water For People and Aguaconsult
Target group: Staff of government and other organisations involved in supporting district level government to map a path to universal WASH services, and establish the institutional and financial basis for doing that. District based staff. The workshop is designed for individuals with an existing knowledge of current operating environment and capacity of districts, people and $'s and education to a degree level would be preferable.
No. of participants: 20-40
For more information download the full workshop outline.