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The WASH Systems Academy

The WASH Systems Academy

The learning platform for water, sanitation and hygiene systems strengthening

Climate-resilient WASH services

Climate resilient WASH services

Climate change is water change. As floods, droughts, and storms become more frequent and severe, our water security—and by extension, our health and well-being—are at greater risk. By fostering a shared language among WASH stakeholders and beyond, we can inspire collective action. Together, we can safeguard water security, build climate resilience, and ensure a sustainable future for all.

Course objectives: This course provides insights on integrating climate resilience into strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems to create universal and sustainable services for all.

By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of:

  • The links between climate change, WASH, and improved climate resilience.
  • How to integrate climate-resilient WASH into established system strengthening ways of working.
  • The importance of mainstreaming gender and social inclusion to all aspects of climate-resilient WASH programming.
  • To develop shared language among and beyond WASH stakeholders and move toward collective action.


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Session overview: This course consists of seven sessions:

  • Session 1: Welcome
  • Session 2: Linking climate and sustainable WASH services for all
  • Session 3: Gender and social inclusion
  • Session 4: Climate risk assessment
  • Session 5: Designing a climate-resilient intervention
  • Session 6: Climate finance
  • Session 7: Advocacy for climate-resilient WASH
  • Test on sessions 1 to 7 and certificate
  • Course resources and tools

Length: The estimated course duration is eight hours. Each session has an average estimated duration of 60 minutes.

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Created in partnership with WaterAid, IRC and Water For People. 

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