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IRC Burkina Faso a demandé à un opérateur privé s'il était possible d'améliorer la qualité de service des PMH sans augmenter le tarif payé par les usagers. La réponse est : oui, mais il faut changer l'échelle de gestion de la maintenance. Read more...
This blog, written in the context of Burkina Faso, sets out how the lack of integrated approaches to WASH is one of the limiting factors in achieving universal access to WASH services. National policy makers and donor agencies insufficiently take the one-package WASH advantages into account, with... Read more...
IRC développe une méthodologie permettant de mesurer les changements de comportements dans le cadre d’un programme d’assainissement mettant en œuvre des latrines EcoSan. Read more...
It took high income countries 100 years to universalise the access to water and required long-term and massive public financing. Read more...
M&E are key to improving both the performance and the sustainability of WASH services. But how much do they cost and how should it be paid for? Read more...
Last week it was World Water Day 2014 , with the topic of "water and energy". I see obvious issues coming by on the water-energy nexus (which by the way is one of those development sector buzz words that I start disliking more every day. I hope the next buzz word is a bit more, uh, sparkling), such... Read more...
On croit en général que les PMH sont la technologie la plus appropriée pour les zones rurales du Burkina, mais cette supposition a été réfutée par une étude récente portant sur 900 PMH et 7 systèmes d'adduction d'eau potable simplifiée (AEPS) dans la région du Sahel. Read more...
Les systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau potable simplifiés (AEPS) fournissent un meilleur service que les pompes à motricité humaine (PMH), et ce à moindre coût. C'est l'une des conclusions tirées d'une étude approfondie sur l'approvisionnement en eau dans quatre petites villes de la région du... Read more...
An in-depth study of water provision in Burkina Faso has found that piped water systems provide a better service than handpumps, at a lower cost. Read more...
Worldwide, traditional toilets are letting people down, with about 2.6 billion people using unsafe ones or defecating in the open. Read more...
It would be easy, and wrong, to say that global conferences rarely deliver results, for sometimes they offer brand new ways of seeing things. Read more...
Component costs and drivers are assessed in a new research paper. Read more...
Could lack of definition be undermining the impact of effective but costly support? Read more...
Safe hygiene practices and access to sanitation are crucial for combating the main health threats to children. However, nearly twice as many people lack access to sanitation compared with water supply. Is it time to stop aligning sanitation and health (S&H)) policies so closely with water... Read more...