Opinions and voices for change
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An overview of KM strategies
The latest trend in Dutch politics is to label anything of parties of another political colour as hobbyism. Read more...
The world has changed over the past decade, and the change finally appears to be reaching the water sector. Countries such as China, Brazil and South Africa were able to ignore international policy prescriptions. But poorer countries, dependent on donors and their multilateral development bank... Read more...
A Dassa Zoumè dans le département des collines à quelques 200 kilomètres au nord de Cotonou au Bénin, les pompes mécaniques permettent aux ménages pauvres de faire face à la pénurie d’eau potable. Read more...
Histoire sélectionnée lors du concours de récit 2011
How long is sustainable? 5 years? 20 years? 100 years? From here to eternity? Read more...
In order to gain insight in the barriers within the transfer of technology for emergency water and sanitation applications in developing countries a partnership between the University of Glasgow and Oxfam GB was formed under the Enhanced Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance initiative... Read more...
In 2010, UNDP's Poverty Group and Environment and Energy Group launched a joint project to examine to what extent the domestic private sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) contributes to achieving the target for access to safe water under MDG7. The project carried out in-depth case studies of three... Read more...
Summary of findings from an event about networks.
Comments on Day 3 of the RMA workshop
Comments on Day 2 of the RMA workshop.
A first day summary of the 2011 workshop 'Reflexive Monitoring in Action' Read more...
From Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 April (2011), a workshop will bring together the coordinators of resource centre networks in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Honduras, Nepal and Uganda together with their counterpart at IRC for a learning and sharing workshop. Read more...
The excellent Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation organised, last September, a seminar on social learning and networking. I couldn't go to the workshop but a colleague of mine attended it and shared the report, and so finally I got to read the seminar report and found a lot of useful... Read more...
A presentation on 'What is Learning?' Time for new stuff!!! Ah, love the learning! Read more...
J'essuie la poussière de mes yeux pour ce qui me semble être la centième fois, je résiste à l'envie de gratter les morsures tenaces de mes chevilles, et je m’approche de Gladys Quispe. Read more...
An introductory blog from IRC's Learning for Change team. Read more...
La gestion des déchets solides demeure une équation sans réponse dans plusieurs cités africaines où plus de 80 % des déchets sont anarchiquement déversés dans les rues, les caniveaux, les cours d’eaux ou à l’air libre. Ce qui présente des répercussions environnementales énormément néfastes. Read more...
The Global Scaling Up Sanitation project of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has developed a performance monitoring and benchmarking model to strengthen outcome-based management of the rural sanitation sector in India. This model has been adopted by the Government of Indian state of Himachal... Read more...
Why are so many developing countries doing so badly in providing all their citizens with good sanitation, asks Prof. Duncan Mara, University of Leeds? The technical solutions and finances are available, but aid agencies need to focus more on technical training and technical assistance. Read more...