Opinions and voices for change
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This is an overdue blog post but as they say (who are THEY anyway?): "better late than never". Back in July this year, the Resource Centre Network of Burkina Faso (RCN-BF) organised a meeting that focused very much on its legacy so far and on ways forward. With the perspective of diminishing... Read more...
Chinda is a small rural municipality, of some 5000 people, spread out over 15 hamlets in Western Honduras. This week I had the opportunity to carry out a case study of the work of the NGO Water For People (WFP) in this municipality. Read more...
Changes to the WASH sector in Burkina Faso
At the recent AfricaSan conference, one of the sessions was focusing on the sanitation sub-sector and on the efforts made to stimulate a learning environment across institutions and individuals engaged in it. Read more...
Mobile Technology Inventions in Rural India video
The WaterCube has launched again with its fourth edition at the Stockholm World Water Week 2011. It is a collaboration between Avo, SIWI and IRC to capture and track the people and ideas floating in the global WASH sector. Read more...
Scenario building and trends analysis for the WASH sector Read more...
Permettez-moi, avant de partager l’histoire de notre communauté, de me présenter. Je m’appelle Chedorlaomer Villa, j’ai 34 ans et je réside à Maelstrom, une petite ville de Pance à Cali, en Colombie. Je suis plombier et, à ce titre,en charge de la maintenance de la station d’approvisionnement en... Read more...
Zogbadjè est une localité de la commune d’Abomey Calavi à quelques kilomètres de Cotonou au Bénin. Ici comme dans certaines localités notamment dans les milieux ruraux, il n’y a pas d’adduction d’eau de la société nationale des eaux du Bénin. Le manque de moyens de cette société d’Etat explique ses... Read more...
The biggest news this week in the world of water and sanitation was undoubtedly the announcement of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that it will be investing in the reinvention of the toilet. Read more...
Le village de Darsalam est comme son nom l’indique un havre de paix situé dans la zone périurbaine de l’arrondissement de Sig-noghin à Ouagadougou. A l’instar d’autres villages rattachés à Ouagadougou, Darsalam a bénéficié de plusieurs projets de subvention de latrines. Malgré ces appuis, le taux... Read more...
The Guardian the other day posted an article which claimed that water and sanitation projects are not sexy enough and that donors therefore are not willing to invest in them. According to various interviewees in the article, donors prefer to invest in schools or clinics, rather than in "unsexy"... Read more...
In 2010, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) and the World Bank conducted a study to improve understanding of the financing of on-site sanitation at the household level through analysis of field experiences in six countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, India (Maharashtra), Mozambique, Senegal, Viet Nam. Read more...
In rural India, extremes of coercion are being used to encourage toilet use writes Liz Chatterjee in the Guardian's Poverty Matters blog. Her provocative post has drawn comments from the likes of Robert Chambers, Rose George, Ned Breslin and Erik Harvey. Read more...
Risks that can impair development effectiveness in the urban water supply sector are multidimensional, says a new report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This highlights the sector's vulnerability to risks in the absence of appropriate mitigating measures. Read more...
The Netherlands is not the first country to spring to mind when the word drought is mentioned. But we are now in the midst of one, as according to meteorologists it has been the driest spring in decades. Read more...
Updates from the Learning for Change project team.
La javellisation des seaux est une méthode simple qui permet de réduire la propagation du choléra. Read more...
Nous venons de célébrer quatre années de gestion communautaire de l'approvisionnement en eau dans la zone sud de Cochabamba. C'est une célébration non pas d’une bénédiction, mais d’un travail acharné ; C’est non pas une histoire qui finit bien, mais une histoire de défis continuels. Read more...
Source Nouvelles recherche des récits relatifs à des communautés et des interventions qui ont contribué (ou n'ont pas réussi !) à améliorer ou à empirer la situation de l'eau, l'hygiène et l'assainissement. Read more...