Opinions and voices for change
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This week has brought a lot of reflecting and sharing about the ways that WASH Resource Centre Networks facilitate sector learning. Today, we spoke to Ton Schouten about the approach undertaken by the Triple-S project. Triple-S has developed a Service Delivery Approach for achieving sustainable... Read more...
How different or similar are the activities and outcomes of the Resource Centres Networks (RCNs) that IRC is collaborating with on strengthening sector learning? What the resource centres from Ghana, Nepal, Uganda and Burkina Faso have in common is that All resource centres are carrying out... Read more...
The term 'sector learning' has been coined and promoted by IRC as a key element in improving the ability of WASH sector actors to provide sustainable services to all. It is an elusive concept with multiple meanings and layers or perhaps no meaning at all (some say that s ector learning does not... Read more...
IRC has supported WASH Resource Centre Networks in 5 countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Honduras, Uganda and Nepal) since 2003. In April 2011, we came together as a group to share our reflections about sector learning, theories of change and visions for the WASH sector. Read more...
The Water Services that Last programme has published a new briefing note on self supply (By Stef Smits and Sally Sutton). It makes all the arguments that Ethiopia is responding to in developing its Self Supply Acceleration Programme. Read more...
On April 20, Ministers of Water and Sanitation from around the world will meet with their Ministers of Finance in Washington D.C. as part of the Sanitation and Water (SWA) for All High Level Meeting. There, they will discuss sector goals and progress, and it goes without saying that the recent... Read more...
I've been thinking about that we actually mean by development, and came across this really good presentation on Slideshare which, I think, sums up the main issues and approaches commonly used to define development. Read more...
José Miguel is a circuit rider: a technician responsible for providing technical assistance to a number of water committees in his area around San Vicente in El Salvador. There are around 30 water systems on his circuit which he visits regularly. Read more...
As part of a special issue focused on water and sanitation policies and practice over the past couple of decades, an article by Welle et al. reflects on the Ethiopian National WASH Inventory. Read more...
A model where public funds provide the back-end and private funds provide the front-end can fill the gap in sanitation financing in India, writes Anupam Tyagi from the International Management Institute in the Economic Times of February 9th, 2012. According to a recent report by Water and... Read more...
Un camp peul dans la commune de Kandi au Nord du Bénin. Une concession de quatre cases de terre battue coiffées en paille de chiendents au cœur des champs de mil et de sorgho. A côté, un grenier de sorgho en forme d'entonnoir. Un arbre de karité se dresse dans la cour où jubilent des enfants aux... Read more...
Although I was present at the birth of the ‘invocacy’ notion and thus know what it is about, I still like the emphasis on the importance of engagement and joint processes of learning and change. Read more...
Knowledge management (KM) originates from the business sector (see Sveiby link below). The quest for more efficiency and effectiveness use of resources and the recognition that all knowledge - being the fourth production factor besides land, money and labour - resides in peoples' heads, lead to... Read more...
The traditional NGO advocacy model focuses on creating pressure for change through ‘awareness raising’ activities. The idea is that if people are aware of the need for change, it will happen. But does this approach really work? And more specifically, is it an effective path to influencing the... Read more...
The Ministry of Water and Energy (MOWE) has endorsed a ‘National Policy Guideline for Self Supply in Ethiopia’ as part of efforts to support scaled up water services provision through the self supply approach. Read more...
At the seminar Agua y alimentacion, por derecho organised by Ongawa in Madrid on 20 March 2012,the multiple use water services ( MUS ) approach was debated. Read more...
The GLOWS approach to building capacity at woreda level has many benefits. Some of the examples that participants have raised clearly highlight the current challenges that are faced in day-to-day efforts to improve rural WASH services. Read more...
Domestic water supplies make a much bigger contribution to food security than we generally recognise. That's something to ponder on World Water Day (22 March 2012) which, this year, highlights the theme of water and food security. Read more...
A debate on the Community Managed Project (CMP) approach at the World Water Forum ended with the audience voting in favour of CMP as a solution to rural WASH. Read more...
At the 6 th World Water Forum held in Marseille, France, in March 2012, the Ethiopian government made a commitment to implement self supply as an approach to rural water supply. Read more...