The Ministry of Water and Energy (MOWE) has endorsed a ‘National Policy Guideline for Self Supply in Ethiopia’ as part of efforts to support scaled up water services provision through the self supply approach.
Published on: 21/03/2012
The Ministry of Water and Energy (MOWE) has endorsed a ‘National Policy Guideline for Self Supply in Ethiopia’. The guideline sets out the main principles for a self supply acceleration programme including financial, technical and sustainability guidelines to facilitate implementation at scale. It recognizes the importance and the role that self supply can play in accelerating progress to achieve the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP)/Universal Access Plan (UAP) goals of full and sustained access to safe drinking water supplies and appropriate, safe sanitation by 2015. It builds on consensus that self supply is no longer to be considered as a stand-alone effort.
The guideline sets out how self supply can be proactively supported in a number of ways, other than by subsidizing infrastructure. Accelerated self supply requires investment in ‘software’ including advocacy and promotion, the development of a ‘menu’ of technical options, capacity building and training, private sector development, the establishment of supply chains, the mobilization of micro savings and credit schemes, quality control, and water quality surveillance, by the Government and development partners.
Government policy is being reshaped accordingly. Self Supply is already included as a ‘financial window’ in a revised National WASH Implementation Framework (WIF), and is being addressed in the revised Universal Access Plan (UAP) for Water Supply. A Self Supply Working Group (SSWG) has also been established to support the MoWE.
This all provides valuable recognition and some guidance for developing self supply as a endorsed approach to water service delivery. Over the coming months the Government with the support of the working group are expected to develop implementation proposals.
IRC are supporting the MoWE to establish its self-supply acceleration programme and participate in (and co-lead) the Self Supply Working Group.
Posted by Inge Klaassen 21 March 2012
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