At the recent AfricaSan conference, one of the sessions was focusing on the sanitation sub-sector and on the efforts made to stimulate a learning environment across institutions and individuals engaged in it.
Published on: 31/08/2011
During that session, the project SaniFaso (introduced previously on the Francophone blog Fas'Eau Nouvelles launched in March this year) was presented via a special video (see below)
This short video points at a number of interesting points regarding processes of change through learning:
As Christian Mouloki from Helvetas concludes the video, the real stakes though - for Burkina Faso but not exclusively - is for sustainable sanitation services to reach a much wider scale, that is all other communes that are unfortunately not part of the project scope. That is why there is so much emphasis on stimulating learning at the scale of a sector - beyond intentions, the lessons are yet to be harvested now... (By Ewen)
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