Published on: 23/04/2008
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) was established in 1996 as an international network promoting an integrated approach to water resources management. The Performance Assessment Resource Centre (PARC) carried out an evaluation of the GWP for its Joint Donor Group of six European bilaterals (Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Sweden). The evaluation focuses on the 2004-2008 strategy period.
One of the main achievements of the GWP was that it has expanded from 28 Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) to 71 and from 9 Regional Technical Advisory Committees (RTACs) to 12 Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs) during this strategy period. The number of members has tripled from 600 to over 1800. There is also a greater awareness of IWRM across the network.
A major challenge is that GWP's international policy advocacy has not kept pace with emerging issues. Whilst the central message of IWRM is still valid, the global advocacy role needs reinvigoration to remain relevant and demonstrate that GWP is abreast of topical issues that affect its members. The financial sustainability at any level of the partnership was said to be doubtful.
A key recommendation is for the GWP to re-position itself as a globally recognised advocate of IWRM that clearly articulates the relationship between IWRM and emerging global challenges. The regions should become stronger and technically support the countries. Most resources should go to the country, then regional, then HO level.
Read the full evaluation report here
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