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H. Hofman
Cost analysis of a "low cost water supply system" for rural areas
. IWACO, Bandung, Indonesia, p. 31 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
F. B. Taylor
Wood, W. E.
Guidelines on health aspects of plumbing
, vol. no. 19. Rijswijk, The Netherlands: IRC, 1982, p. 168 p.
M. J. Taras
The quest for pure water : the history of water purification from the earliest records to the twentieth century. Vol. II
, 2nd ed.nd ed. Denver, CO, USA: American Water Works Association, 1981, p. xxxi, 284 p.
M. N. Baker
The quest for pure water : the history of water purification from the earliest records to the twentieth century. Vol. I
, 2nd ed.nd ed. Denver, CO, USA: American Water Works Association, 1981, p. xii, 527 p.
S. A. A. Jahn
Traditional water purification in tropical developing countries : existing methods and potential application
. Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 1981, p. 276 p.
IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association
13th International water distribution congress and exhibition = 13e Congres et exposition internationaux des distributions d'eau
. IWSA (International Water Services Association), London, UK, p. 1 portfolio, 1980.
W. M. Lewis
Developments in water treatment - 2
. London, UK: Applied Science Publishers, 1980, p. xii, 228 p. : fig., tab.
WASH -Arlington, VA, US
Possible disinfection of oral rehydration solutions : notes from November 13, 1980 meeting with Drs. Richard Cash and Lincoln Chen
, vol. no. 2. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 14 p. in various pagings, 1980.
P. H. National W. City
Rural water supply. Vol. III : Operation and maintenance manual
. National Water Resources Council, Quezon City, The Philippines, p. xvi, 96 p.: 25 fig., 10 tab., 1980.
I. Directorat ID
A simple water purification plant using the corrosion process of iron in water
. DBR, Bandung, Indonesia, 1980.
R. E. Bigelow
Chiles, L.
C. Ayad, S.
Cavanagh, B.
Manzer, C.
, and
Bohumolski, C.
Tunisia : Care water projects ((microfiche))
, vol. no. 10. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 59 p. in various pagings, 1980.
P. V. Scarpino
Brigano, F. A. O.
Cronier, S.
, and
Zink, M. L.
Effect of particulates on disinfection of enteroviruses in water by chlorine dioxide
, vol. EPA-600/2-79-054. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, USA, p. xiii + 56 p., : 22 figs., 9 tabs., 47 refs., 1979.
T. D. Waite
Management of wastewater residuals with iron (VI) ferrate : final report ((2 microfiches))
. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, USA, p. X, 175 p.: fig., tab., 1979.
L. E. Whitherell
Solomon, R. L.
, and
Stone, K. M.
Ozone and ultraviolet radiation disinfection for small community water systems.
, vol. EPA-600/2-79-060. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, USA, p. vii + 40 p. : tabs., 41 refs., 1979.
L. Huisman
Treatment methods for water supplies rural areas of developing countries
. Delft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 52 p. : 43 figs., 12 anns., 1979.
G. B. National W. London
Civil engineering specifications for the water industry
. NWC, London, UK, p. 88 p., 1978.
J. G. McNaughton
Gregory, R.
Disinfection by chlorination in contact tanks
, vol. TR60. Water Research Centre, Medmenham, UK, p. 10 p. : 1 fig., 1977.
WHO. Regional Office for South-East Asia -New Delhi, IN, SEARO
Improvement and maintenance of existing water supply systems : report on a Government of India / WHO seminar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 31 October-4November 1977
. World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, p. 115 pp. fig. tab. ref., 1977.
EPA -Cincinnati, OH, US
EPA -Washington, DC, US
Process design manual : wastewater treatment facilities for sewered small communities
. Cincinnati, OH, USA: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1977, p. xv, 477 p.: fig., tab.
B. Cook
Iodine dispenser for water supply disinfection
, vol. no. 7400-1. US Department of Agriculture, San Dimas, CA, USA, p. v + 21 p. : 9 fig., 2 tab., 7 app., 1976.
J. D. Johnson
Disinfection water and wastewater
. Ann Arbor, MI, USA: Ann Arbor Science, 1975, p. vi, 425 p. : fig., tab.
D. D. Mara
Bacteriology for sanitary engineers
. Edinburgh, UK: Churchill Livingstone, 1974, p. x, 209 p. : fig.
S. Rajagopalan
Shiffman, M. A.
Guide to simple sanitary measures for the control of enteric diseases
. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1974, p. 103 p.: fig., tab.
B. C. J. Zoeteman
The suitability of iodine and iodine compounds as disinfectants for small water supplies
, vol. no. 2. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 32 p.: fig., tab., 1972.
R. P. Lalor
Design of non-mechanical chlorinator for small water supplies
, vol. no. 1. Duke University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Durham, NC, USA, p. 9 p. : 5 fig., 1971.
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