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A. Jouravlev, Administración del agua en América Latina y el Caribe en el umbral del siglo XXI, vol. no. 27. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago, Chile, p. 77 p., 2001.
C. C. Flores, Aguas del Tunari, go home : elementos para una critica del contrato de concesion del agua potable en Cochabamba , Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2001, p. 39 p. .
D. - J. Choi and Park, H., Analysis of water privatization scenarios in Korea with multi-criteria decision-making techniques, Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 335-352 : 3 fig., 12 tab., 2001.
F. Fragano, Linares, C., Lockwood, H., Rivera, D., Trevett, A., and Yepes, G., Case studies on decentralization of water supply and sanitation services in Latin America, vol. no. 1. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 137 p. : fig., tab., 2001.
O. Edmond, Change management in National Water and Sewerage Corporation - Uganda, vol. no. 115. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. xiv, 157 p. : charts, fig., tabs., 2001.
O. A. Solomon, Community involvement in water provisioning : the case study of Dar es Salaam, vol. no. CUE 5. Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. ix, 93 p. : maps, 16 fig., 6 tab., 2001.
S. Coates and Sansom, K., Customer relations management. Part B. Draft customer services guidelines, urban water and sewerage authorities, Tanzania, vol. no. 514. Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, p. vii, 50 p. : 7 boxes, 14 fig., 2 tab., 2001.
G. Yepes, Rosensweig, F., Trevett, A., Lockwood, H., Linares, C., Fragano, F., and Rivera, D., Estudios de caso sobre la descentralizacion de los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento en Latinoamerica, vol. no. 1. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 148 p. : fig., tab., 2001.
S. Africa. De ZA, Guideline and model contract for a water services authority to enter into a contract with a support services agent. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. ca. 40 p. : fig., 2001.
S. Africa. De ZA, Guideline and model contract for a water services authority to enter into a contract with a community based organisation as a water services provider. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. 5 p. : 1 fig., 2001.
Water Research Commission -Pretoria, ZA, WRC and Park, Z. A. Stewart Sc, Human resources planning and management system (HRPMS) : user manual. Pretoria, South Africa: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2001, p. iv, 42 p.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Tamil Nadu state : final report. UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 32 p. : 6 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Gujarat : final report . UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 29 p. : 6 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Orissa state : final report. UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 28 p. : 6 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Kerala state . UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 41 p. : 14 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Karnataka state : final report. UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 38 p. : 9 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Andhra Pradesh : final report. UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 29 p. : 6 charts, 1 map, 2001.
K. B. Kurup, India: child environment, water supply, sanitation and hygiene : situation in Maharashtra state : final report. UNICEF India Country Office, New Delhi, India, p. 30 p. : 8 charts, 1 map, 2001.
C. F. Schutte, Managing water supply and sanitation services to developing communities : key success factors, Water science and technology, pp. p. 155-162 : 1 tab., 2001.
Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, Multi-village rural water supply schemes : an emerging challenge. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 18 p. : fig., photogr., tab., 2001.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Project performance audit report on the second IKK water supply sector project (loan 1069-ino) in Indonesia. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. vii, 39 p. : fig., map, tab., 2001.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Regulatory systems and networking of water utilities and regulatory bodies : proceedings of the Regional Forum, Manila 26-28 March 2001. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. xi, 198 p. : fig., tab., 2001.
S. Ramsey and Mobbs, P., SPBNET.Africa : report of performance indicators : African water supply and sanitation utilities 2001 : final report - updated to December 2001. Water Utility Partnership, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. 140 p. + 45 p. appendixes : fig., 2001.
J. A. Lampietti, Kolb, A. A., Gulyani, S., and Avenesyan, V., Utility pricing and the poor : lessons from Armenia, vol. no. 497. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2001, p. xi, 38 p. : 15 fig., 18 tab.
D. A. R., Water management at the river basin level : challenges in Latin America, vol. no. 29. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2001, p. 79 p. : 8 boxes, 1 fig., 2 tab.


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