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N. L. Radtke, New roles for health workers, The NFE exchange, 1979.
C. Graham, Public education : a training manual. Caribbean Basin Water Management Project, Bridgetown, Barbados, p. 61 p. : ill., 1979.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, Seminario Interamericano : adiestramiento de personal para el suministro de agua a pequenas comunidades, 20 al 24 de agosto de 1979, Merida, Venezuale. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA, p. ca 150 p., 1979.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Training and utilization of auxiliary personnel for rural health teams in developing countries : report of a WHO Expert Committee, vol. no. 633. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1979, p. 35 p.
C. Cox, Water main laying; a job aid. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA, p. 42 p. : fig., 1979.
J. Pickford, Engineering for health in hot countries : 4th WEDC Conference, 25th - 27th September 1977 : proceedings. Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, p. 191 p.: tab., fig., ill., 1977.
T. Nadu - I. N. Board, Guide to selection and training of village handpump caretakers. UNICEF India Country Office, Madras, India, p. 12 p., 1977.
M. G. Beyer, The India Village Water Supply Programme : situation, observations and recommendations. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 28 p., 1976.
G. Kalshoven, Irrigation systems : some organizational considerations, Sociologia ruralis, pp. p. 238-257 : 1 fig., 1976.
American Water Works Association -Denver, CO, US, AWWA, Water distribution operator training handbook. American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, USA, p. IV, 224 p.: fig., tab., 1976.
K. A. Pisharoti, Guide to the integration of health education in environmental health programmes, vol. no. 20. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1975, p. iv, 81 p.: fig.
D. P. H. E. Bangladesh BD, Lecture papers for training of assistant engineers. Bangladesh, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. various paging, 1975.
C. O. Instituto Bogota, Proyecto de investigaciones aplicades y adiestramiento en saneamiento basico rural : borrador de trabajo. Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogota, Colombia, p. 64 p., 1975.
N. F. Carefoot, Development of a national training delivery system for water and waste water personnel in Spanish-speaking Latin America. University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, p. Microfiche (viii, 110 p.), 1974.
WHO. Regional Office for South-East Asia -New Delhi, IN, SEARO, Report on rural water supply Nepal. World Health Organization (WHO), New Delhi, India, p. 21 p. : 16 ann., 1974.
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute -Nagpur, IN, NEERI, Workshop on information management in community water supply and waste disposal (Neeri, Nagpur, December 11-12, 1974). National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. xiii, 116 p., 1974.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Community water supply : report of a WHO Expert Committee, vol. no. 420. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 21 p., 1969.
J. N. Lanoix and Wagner, E. G., Water supply for rural areas and small communities, 5th ed., vol. 42. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1959, p. 340 p. : 85 fig.,.
J. N. Lanoix and Wagner, E. G., Excreta disposal for rural areas and small communities, vol. no. 39. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1958, p. 187 p.: fig., tab.
Centro de Formacao Profissional de Aguas e Saneamento -Maputo, MZ, CFPAS, Boletim informativo. Centro de Formacao Profissional de Aguas e Saneamento, Maputo, Mozambique.


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