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D. F. I. D. United Kin GB and WELL -London, GB, Water and Environmental Health at London and Loughborough, Guidance manual on water supply and sanitation programmes. London, UK: United Kingdom, Department for International Development, 1998, p. xvii, 338 p. : 20 fig., photogr., 32 tab.
G. Clacherty, Guidelines for developing and evaluating education materials in water and sanitation programmes. National Sanitation Co-ordination Office (NaSCO), Pretoria, South Africa, p. 33 p. : ill., photogr., 1998.
I. van Hooff, Hacia una mejor programacion : manual sobre saneamiento e higiene en la escuela, vol. num. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. vi, 62 p. : 55 boxes, 2 ill., 1998.
V. Curtis and Kanki, B., Happy, healthy and hygienic : how to set up a hygiene promotion programme. 1. Planning a hygiene promotion programme, vol. no. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 29 p. : fig., ill., tab., 1998.
V. Curtis and Kanki, B., Happy, healthy and hygienic : how to set up a hygiene promotion programme. 4. Communicating hygiene, vol. no. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 20 p. : 2 boxes, fig., ill., 1 tab., 1998.
V. Curtis and Kanki, B., Happy, healthy and hygienic : how to set up a hygiene promotion programme. 3. Motivating behaviour change, vol. no. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 24 p. : boxes, fig., ill., 1998.
V. Curtis and Kanki, B., Happy, healthy and hygienic : how to set up a hygiene promotion programme. 2. Risk practices, target practices, vol. no. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. 24 p. : fig., ill., 1998.
T. Hume-Sotomi, Obende, K., and Ajayi, O., Health and civic guides for the young, Revised edition. Lagos, Nigeria: Nijam Publishers, 1998, p. vii, 42 p. : ill.
G. H. Community Accra, Healthy bodies, healthy schools : a guide for teachers and students in the Adidome district, Volta region. Community Water and Sanitation Programme, Accra, Ghana, p. 22 p. : ill., 1998.
Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, Healthy communities. UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. video (13 min. 14 sec.) : VHS/PAL, 1998.
B. C. Miserez, Help for women refugees, World health forum, 1998.
R. Kessler, Hidden benefits : linking relief and development in Kabul, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 26-28 : 5 photogr., 1998.
I. N. WaterAid - Tiruchirapalli, Hygiene education, vol. no. 1. WaterAid, Tiruchirapalli, India, p. 6 p. : 3 photogr., 1998.
A. B. Shrestha, Hygiene practices at NEWAH project sites : the impact of hygiene education. Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 47 p. : 12 fig., 4 tabs., techn.drwngs, 1998.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, India : child's environment : sanitation, hygiene and water supply project : PEC submission. UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 113 p. : 13 tab., 1998.
I. D. World Bank Jakarta, Vientiane, L. A. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, and National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply -Vientiane, LA, Nam Saat, Information kit for community dialogue on rural sanitation, 3A. National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat), Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 18 p. : boxes, fig., ill., 1998.
I. D. World Bank Jakarta, Information kit for community dialogue on rural water supply, 4A. National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat), Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 24 p. : boxes, fig., ill., 1998.
R. Sawyer, Simpson-Hebert, M., and Wood, S., Manuel progressif PHAST : approche participative pour la lutte contre les maladies diarrheique, vol. no. 2. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 6 HTML files : fig., ill., tab., 1998.
Z. W. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Harare and ZW, Z. Ministry o, Participatory hygiene and sanitation promotion tool kit. UNICEF, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 8 folders (ca. 100 p.), 1998.
I. N. Socio Econ Trivandrum, Pay and use latrine for women, Anjengo, Kerala : a study. Socio-Economic Unit Foundation, Trivandrum, India, p. 35 p. : techn. drwng, 1998.
PHAST step-by-step guide : a participatory approach for the control of diarrhoeal disease, vol. no. 2. p. ix, 126 p. : fig., ill., tab., 1998.
A. E. del Rey and J. Calero, D. Rey, Principales cambios en la epidemiología de las enfermedades infecciosas en el mundo. pp. p.85-92, 1998.
WHO. Regional Office for Africa -Harare, ZW, WHO / AFRO, Progress in the development of the participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (phast) initiative in Africa. World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 24 p., 1998.
R. A. Lidonde and Obel-Lawson, E., Prospective review of participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) : March - April, 1998. UNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. viii, 50 p. : boxes, photogr., 1998.
R. C. G. Varley, Tarvid, J., and Chao, D. N. W., A reassessment of the cost-effectiveness of water and sanitation interventions in programmes for controlling childhood diarrhoea, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 617-637 : 1 fig., 4 tab., 1998.


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