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R. Chambers, Blackburn, J., and Barnard, G., The power of participation : PRA and policy, vol. no. 7. Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, p. 4 p., 1996.
G. McRobie, Services for the urban poor : a people-centred approach, vol. no. 1. Lund University, Lund Centre for Habitat Studies, Lund, Sweden, p. 21 p. : fig., tabs., 1996.
Z. M. Community Lusaka, Site selection, vol. no. 7f. Zambia, Programme Co-ordination Unit, Lusaka, Zambia, p. iv, 38 p. : ill., 1996.
P. Schubeler, Transfer of ownership in water supply and sanitation systems : report on the 12th Aguasan Workshop, 24-28 June, 1996. SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. v, 74 p. : 14 fig., 18 tab., 1996.
E. M. Kamminga, The transition phase of the Katwe urban pilot project, Kampala. World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. iii, 39 p., 1996.
K. Ministry o KE, KE, K. Ministry o, KWAHO -Nairobi, KE, Kenya Water for Health Organization, Reclamation, Rand Water, and Stockholm, S. E. S. I. D. A. -, Water closer to the people. SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Nairobi, Kenya, p. video (15 min.) : VHS, 1996.
K. R. Sansom, Water engineers and community management, in Reaching the unreached : challenges for the 21st century : proceedings of the 22nd WEDC conference, New Delhi, India, 9-13 September 1996, 1996, pp. P. 111-115 : 1 fig., 1 tab.
W. J. Kakebeeke and van Wijk-Sijbesma, C. A., Water supply and sanitation in low-income urban areas : partnerships and stakeholder participation, presented at the 1996-01-01, Delft, The Netherlands, 1996, p. 10 p.
N. Ybanez, Women's participation in CVWSP : case study : a development study of Sta Catalina, Negros Oriental. AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra, ACT, Australia, p. 29 p. : tab., 1996.
J. Audefroy, 15 experiences alternatives pour l'eau potable et l'assainissement dans les quartiers urbain : synthese des 15 etudes de cas. Habitat International Coalition, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 15 p., 1995.
G. H. Volta Rura Ho and Ho, G. H. Community, Community management handbook. Community Water and Sanitation Division, Ho, Ghana, p. 59 p. : ill., 1995.
A. - M. Hochet and Aliba, N., Developpement rural et methodes participatives en Afrique. Paris, France: Harmattan, 1995, p. 208 p.
M. S. Bradley, How people use pictures : an annotated bibliography and review for development workers. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 123 p., 1995.
C. W. Mantilla and Mora, J. V. Barrero, La cultura del agua : metodologia para la participacion comunitaria en los sistemas de acueducto y alcantarillado en municipios menores y zonas rurales. Findeter, Bogota, Colombia, p. 68 p. : ills., 1995.
G. B. Save the C. London, Mchinji comic relief water project : annual report : April 1995 to September 1995. Save the Children (UK), London, UK, p. ii, 11 p. : 2 tab., 1995.
H. Schneider and Libercier, M. - H., Participatory development from advocacy to action. Paris, France: OECD, 1995, p. 250 p.
N. Mukherjee, Participatory rural appraisal and questionnaire questionnaire survey : comparative field experience and methodological innovations, vol. no. 2. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing, 1995, p. 163 p. : charts, tab.
O. Frimpong, Participatory tools kit : user's guide. Training Research and Networking for Development (TREND), Kumasi, Ghana, p. 9 p. : 6 ill., 1995.
L. P. Selvam, People's participation in improving sanitation : a case of Kanpur slums. World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group South Asia, New Delhi, India, p. 5 p. : 7 photogr., 1995.
I. Guijt, Questions of difference : PRA, gender and environment : a training video. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. Video (120 min.) : VHS/PAL + instructions leaflet, 1995.
C. Lobo and Kockendorfer-Lucius, G., The rain decided to help us : participatory watershed management in the state of Maharashtra, India. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1995, p. xi, 66 p. : boxes, tab.
J. Thompson, Pretty, J. N., Scoones, I., and Guijt, I., A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action. London, UK: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 1995, p. vi, 267 p. : ill.


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