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D. General fo DGIS, Rights of women to the natural resources land and water, vol. no. 2. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, Information Department, 1997, p. 59 p.
L. Schenk-Sandbergen, Scarcity for whom? : gender and water management : paper presented at the IDPAD seminar : managing water scarcity : experiences and prospects, 13 - 17 October 1997, Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. 28 p., 1997.
P. Calvert, Seeing (but not smelling) is believing : Kerala's compost toilet, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 30-32 : 2 drwngs., 2 photogr., 2 tab., 1997.
A. Marshall, The state of world population 1997 : the right to choose : reproductive rights and reproductive health. New York, NY, USA: United Nations Population Fund, 1997, p. Web page (URL: : 31 boxes, 7 fig., 5 tab.
M. Mwangola, Theme 111 : to evaluate the impact of women's promotion of environmental sanitation and safe practices and how this makes a difference to behavioral change. Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 11 p., 1997.
E. Jordans and Zwarteveen, M., Well of one's own : gender analysis of an irrigation program in Bangladesh, vol. no. 1. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute, 1997, p. xix, 100 p. : fig., photogr., tabs.
T. Beck and Stelcner, M., The why and how of gender-sensitive indicators : a project level handbook = Pourquoi et comment utiliser des indicateurs tenant compte des ecarts entre les hommes et les femmes. Hull, Que, Canada: Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, 1997, p. i, 28 p. : boxes, tab.
S. Meer, Women, land, and authority : perspectives from South Africa. Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1997, p. x, 146 p. : map, tab.
N. P. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Kathmandu, Community water supply and sanitation with women's involvement : progress report. UNICEF, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. i, 54 p. : fig., 1996.
B. D. Centre for Dhaka, DGIS, D. General fo, and BD, D. P. H. E. Bangladesh, Draft report on training needs and curriculum for conducting need based "gender training" programme in respect to water, sanitation and hygiene education under 18dtp. Centre for Management Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 27 p. : tab., 1996.
A. D. Traore, Femmes africaines et gestion des déchets urbains : l'expérience de la COFESFA au Mali. United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Dakar, Senegal, p. 34 p., 1996.
M. Z. Zwarteveen and Neupane, N., Free-riders or victims : women's nonparticipation in irrigation management in Nepal's Chhattis Mauja irrigation scheme, vol. no. 7. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute, 1996, p. v, 21 p. : 1 fig., 1 tab.
W. Wakeman, Gender issues (for policy/decision makers), in [Third Global Forum : Barbados : 30 October - 3 November 1995 : various papers presented], 1996, p. 9 p.
S. Chant, Gender, urban development and housing, vol. no. 2. New York, NY, USA: UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), 1996, p. xiii, 73 p.
United Nations Departement of Public Information -New York, NY, US, Habitat agenda and Istanbul declaration : second United Nations conference on human settlements, Istanbul, Turkey 3-14 June 1996. United Nations Department of Public Information, New York, NY, USA, p. 190 p., 1996.
S. S. Davis, Implementing gender policy in the water and sanitation sector, Natural resources forum, pp. p. 189-197, 1996.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Our homes, our lives, ourselves : a fun book to help young people get the issues right concerning women in human settlements development. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 1996, p. ii, 14 p. + insert.
D. Jain, Panchayat Raj : women changing governance, vol. no. 5. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), New York, NY, USA, p. 16 p. : 4 boxes, 1996.
R. Gera, Rainwater harvesting and empowerment of women, in Reaching the unreached : challenges for the 21st century : proceedings of the 22nd WEDC conference, New Delhi, India, 9-13 September 1996, 1996, pp. P. 131-132 : ill., 1 tab.
J. Doran, Rural transport. London, UK: IT Publications, 1996, p. viii, 72 p. : ill.
T. Z. S. N. V. - Dar e Salaam, SNV Tanzania gender review project reports. Vol. 2. [Individual project reports]. SNV Netherlands Development Organization, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. ca. 70 p., 1996.
M. S. Fong, Wakeman, W., and Bhushan, A., Toolkit on gender in water and sanitation, vol. no. 2. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 1996.
K. Mahapatra, Towards empowerment : women mobilizers in the Community Water Supply and Sanitation Programme in Nepal, Waterfront, pp. p. 12-13, 18-19 : fig., tab, photogr., 1996.
Z. M. Community Lusaka, WASHE and gender, vol. no. 8a. Zambia, Programme Co-ordination Unit, Lusaka, Zambia, p. iv, 28 p. : ill., 1996.
E. Bwengye-Kahororo, Women, water, sanitation in south west Uganda, in Sustainability of water and sanitation systems : proceedings of the 21st WEDC conference, Kampala, Uganda, 4-8 September 1995, 1996, pp. P. 13-14.


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