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J. P. Canler, Perret, J. M., Duchene, P., and Cotteux, E., Aide au diagnostic des stations d'épuration par l'observation microscopique des boues activés. CEMAGREF Editions, Cahors, France, p. 155 p. : fig., tabs., 1999.
O. National d SN, Audit du profil environnemental sanitaire, évaluation d'un programme de stratégie organisationnelle, technique et financière de la composante assainissement dans la ville de Kaolack . Rapport définitif. Office National de l'Assainissement du Senegal (ONAS), Dakar, Senegal, p. 97 p. : tabs., 1999.
A. Sawadogo, Etude du système de gestion des boues de vidange à Ouagadougou. EIER, Ecole inter-Etats d'ingénieurs de l'équipement rural (Ouagadougou), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 112 p. : map, tabs., 1999.
M. M. Hoque, Notes on low cost sanitation. p. ca. 45 p. : fig., 1999.
Q. Liang, Dearsenation of drinking water by means of coagulation in Bangladesh. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, p. xi, 81 p. + 15 appendixes (37 p.) : 38 fig., 20 tab., 1998.
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie -Paris, FR, ADEME, Déchets industriels banals: quel tonnage? Données et reférences. Agence de l'Environnement et de la Matrise de l'Energie (ADEME) -Fr, Paris, France, p. fig., tabs., 1998.
D. Kone, Problématique de l'épuration des eaux usées dans le contexte Ouest-africain, Info CREPA, pp. p. 8-20 : fig., tabs., 1998.
P. Yoda, Expérience pratique de la valorisation des déchets plastiques et collecte des ordures ménagères. Burkina Faso, Ministere de l'Environnement et de l'Eau (MEE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, pp. 105-111 p. , 1997.
M. Strauss, Treatment of sludges from non-sewered sanitation system, in Workshop on sustainable municipal waste water treatment systems, 12-14 November 1996, Leusden, the Netherlands, 1997, pp. P. 161-184 : 10 fig., 5 tab.
L. B. M. Tomesen, Wegelin-Schuringa, M. H. A., and Mwangunga, S. S., Draft formulation report manual pit emptying project (MAPEP). Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. viii, 99 p. : 3 tab., 1996.
D. D. Mara, Stentiford, E. I., and Neto, J. T. Pereira, Low cost composting, vol. no. 4. Leeds, UK: University of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering, 1996, p. ix, 50 p. : fig., tab.
U. Stoll, Municipal sewage sludge management, vol. no. 39. Bangkok, Thailand: Environmental Systems Information Center, 1996, p. 83 p. : fig., tech. drwngs., tab.
J. T. Novak, Geertsema, W. S., Knocke, W. R., and Dove, D., Long-term effects of sludge application to land, Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 64-74: 3 fig., 8 tab., 1994.
M. B. Pescod, Wastewater treatment and use in agriculture, vol. no. 47. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1992, p. xiv, 125 p.: 26 fig., 45 tab.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US, Health and environmental criteria for the utilization of sewage sludge on land, vol. no. 8. Washington, DC, USA: Pan American Health Organization, Environmental Health Program, 1989, p. ii, 28 p.: fig., tab.
W. Fresenius, Schneider, W., Boehnke, B., and Poeppinghaus, K., Waste water technology : origin, collection, treatment and analysis of waste water. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1989, p. ca. 1200 p.: fig., tab.
G. Smethurst, Basic water treatment for application world-wide, 2nd ed.nd ed. London, UK: Thomas Telford, 1988, p. 216 p.: fig., tab.
C. F. Seyfried, Overview of the anaerobic waste treatment process with examples from operating plants, in Seminar on anaerobic waste treatment and sanitation technologies, Bangkok, Pattaya, 1-3 September 1988, 1988, p. 42 p.: fig., tab.
R. Zimba, Performance evaluation of selected waste stabilization ponds in Zambia, vol. no. 21. Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, p. 113 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO, Treatment and discharge of industrial wastewater in the Mediterranean area : report on a WHO workshop, Venice, 10-14 June, 1985, vol. 8. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. vii, 89 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
K. L. Ativon, Etude et lutte contre le phenomene de remontee de boves dans les decanteurs. Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 42 p.:, 1985.
James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers -Pasadena, CA, US, Water treatment principles and design. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1985, p. xii, 696 p.: fig., tab.


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