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Filters: Keyword is condominial sewerage  [Clear All Filters]
J. C. Melo, La ciudad y el saneamiento : sistemas condominiales - un enfoque diferente para los desagues sanitarios urbanos. Water and Sanitation Program - Latin American and Carribean Region, Lima, Peru, p. 47 p. : 11 fig., 2007.
V. H. Calisaya Hinojosa, El sistema condominial de agua potable y alcantarillado : una alternativa pro-poor? , Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002, p. 20 p. : 3 tab.
D. D. Mara, Tayler, K., and Sleigh, A., PC-based simplified sewer design. University of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering, Leeds, UK, p. x, 110 p. : fig., tabs., 2001.
P. L. De Mello Nazareth, Rissoli, C. A., and Fernandes, C. A., Condominial sewerage system. Companhia de Agua e Esgotos de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, p. ca. 24 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 1996.
J. Mde Azevedo Netto, Bakalian, A., Wright, A., and Otis, R., Simplified sewerage : design guidelines, vol. no. 7. UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. v, 34 p.: 16 fig., 6 tab., 1994.
J. Mde Azevedo Netto and Reid, R., Innovative and low cost technologies utilized in sewerage, vol. no. 29. Pan American Health Organization, Environmental Health Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. 94 p.: 22 fig., 10 tab., 1992.
C. Hart, Classy "condo" sewers for Brazil's urban poor, Source, pp. p. 16-20: photogr., 1991.
J. Mde Azevedo Netto, Bakalian, A., Wright, A., and Otis, R., Simplified sewers : a review of Brazilian experience, presented at the 1991-01-01, Alexandria, VA, USA, 1991, p. 11 p.: 3 tab.
M. Vines and Reed, B., Low-cost unconvential sewerage, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 26-29: fig., photogr., 1990.
A. S. Pinto Guimaraes and R. de Melo, deCassia Per, Alcantarillado de bajo costo : Brasil, in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 179-199 : fig.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, The design of shallow sewer systems. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 1986, p. iii, 87 p.: fig., tab.
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