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Sturzenegger, G.
Smits, S.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2013.
Institutionalising the monitoring of rural water supply services in Latin America : lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay : a paper presen..
, S.l.: S.n.
Published on: 18/06/2013
Various countries in Latin America have started monitoring rural water supply service delivery at sector level, driven largely by two objectives: ...
Smits, S.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2013.
¿Cómo institucionalizar sistemas de monitoreo del servicio de agua en zonas rurales? Lecciones de Honduras, El Salvador y Paraguay
Nota técnica., Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Available at:
Published on: 30/11/2013
Este documento ofrece una descripción general del enfoque implementado por el IRC, BID y AECID en la definición de un marco institucional para el...
Smits, S.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2013.
Institutionalizing monitoring of rural water services in Latin America : lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay
, (IDB technical note 526) Washington, DC, USA: Inter-American Development Bank and IRC. Available at:
Published on: 26/10/2014
In the last two years, various countries in Latin America have begun monitoring rural water supply service delivery, largely driven by two...
Smits, S.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2013.
¿Cómo institucionalizar sistemas de monitoreo del servicio de agua en zonas rurales? : lecciones de Honduras, El Salvador y Paraguay
, (BID nota técnica 526) Washington, DC, USA: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo and IRC. Available at:
Published on: 26/10/2014
En los últimos años, varios países de América Latina han comenzado a monitorear la prestación del servicio de agua en zonas rurales con el...
Smits, S.J.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2012.
Guía metodológica para el monitoreo de servicios de agua y saneamiento en zonas rurales
Borrador., La Haya, los Países Bajos / Washington, DC, los Estados Unidos: IRC, BID. Available at:
Published on: 30/11/2012
El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), en coordinación con la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), a...
Thomas, E.
et al.
, 2018.
Innovations in WASH impact measures : water and sanitation measurement technologies and practices to inform the Sustainable Development Goals
, (Directions in development : infrastructure) Washington, DC, USA: World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank.
Published on: 12/02/2018
This report reviews the landscape of technologies, methods, and approaches that can support and improve on the water and sanitation indicators...
Smits, S.
Uytewaal, E.
Sturzenegger, G.
, 2013.
Institutionalising the monitoring of rural water supply services in Latin America; lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay (Symposium 2013, Topic 2)
, s.l.: IRC. Available at:
Published on: 13/05/2014
This paper has provided a generic approach for defining a rural water supply monitoring system alongside its institutionalisation into the...
Smits, S.
et al.
, 2013.
Presentations on Topic 2: Country-led and country-wide monitoring of rural and small towns water supplies (Symposium 2013, Day 2)
, IRC.
Published on: 19/04/2013
Collecting, collating and using information in country-led monitoring
Joining hands: where is the accountability for...
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