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Spears, D.
Spears, D.
Ghosh, A.
Cumming, O.
, 2013.
Open defecation and childhood stunting in India : an ecological analysis of new data from 112 districts
. , p.5 p.; 5 fig.; 3 tab.
Published on: 10/10/2013
Poor sanitation remains a major public health concern linked to several important health outcomes; emerging evidence indicates a link to childhood...
Hammer, J.
Spears, D.
, 2013.
Village sanitation and children’s human capital : evidence from a randomized experiment by the Maharashtra government
, (Policy research working paper series / World Bank 6580) S.l.: World Bank.
Published on: 03/10/2013
Open defecation is exceptionally widespread in India, a county with puzzlingly high rates of child stunting. A randomized controlled trial of a...
Kov, P.
et al.
, 2013.
Growing taller among toilets : evidence from changes in sanitation and child height in Cambodia, 2005-2010
, S.l.: S.n.
Published on: 26/09/2013
Child height is an important indicator of human capital and human development, in large part because early life health and net nutrition shape both...
Spears, D.
, 2013.
How much international variation in child height can sanitation explain?
, (Policy research working paper series / World Bank 6351) Washington, DC, USA: World Bank.
Published on: 26/04/2013
Physical height is an important economic variable reflecting health and human capital. Puzzlingly, however, differences in average height across...
Cumming, O.
et al.
, 2019.
The implications of three major new trials for the effect of water, sanitation and hygiene on childhood diarrhea and stunting : a consensus statement
. , 17(173), pp.1-9 : 2 fig., 1 tab.
Published on: 13/11/2019
A comprehensive package of WASH interventions is needed that is tailored to address the local exposure landscape and enteric disease burden.
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