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Although aid effectiveness in the WASH sector has improved in recent years, vigorous steps are needed to counter measures that can jeopardise progress in poverty alleviation and offer sustainable solutions for development.

TitleThe potential of a sector-wide approach to make aid more effective in the WASH sector
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsUytewaal, E, Verhoeven, J, C. Wells, DSilva
Secondary TitleAid effectiveness information package
Pagination3 p.; ill.
Date Published2013-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsdevelopment aid, efficiency

Although aid effectiveness in the WASH sector has improved in recent years, vigorous steps are needed to counter measures that can jeopardise progress in poverty alleviation and offer sustainable solutions for development. [authors abstract]


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Citation Key74179


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