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Published on: 10/04/2015

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Universal water and sanitation coverage will require governments to invest more money, and to invest it more effectively. But how can this be achieved? Launched on 13 April 2015, the Public Finance for WASH website has the answers:

pfWASH logoPublic Finance for WASH is a collaborative advocacy and research initiative of IRC, Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) and Trémolet Consulting. The website offers easy-to-read but rigorous information about domestic public finance solutions: our first three Finance Briefs are now available for download and over the coming year we will be building a comprehensive resource library.

So what is domestic public finance and why is it critical to achieving the new Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for water and sanitation?  Basically it is all about funds derived from domestic taxes, raised at the national or local level.  Such taxes are critical because market-based solutions and development aid, though essential, will never be able to deliver universal  water and sanitation coverage alone, especially not for the poor. With public finance you get “more bang for your bucks”.

To find out more, please check out the website or follow us on Twitter @pf4wash. And if you’d like to become involved in any way, get in touch!

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