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Published on: 21/01/2013

Information scan on WASH unit costs and financial planning and budgeting

This study: "Information scan on WASH unit costs and financial planning and budgeting of the Water and Sanitation Sector in Uganda" presents an overview of the income and expenditure flows in the Ugandan rural water and sanitation sector, with a special focus on sustainability. Gaps can be identified through a better understanding of income and expenditure flows, reporting flows, funding instruments, budgeting and planning tools and the areas of intervention of the different entities. The study uses the life-cycle costs approach to specifically focus on post-construction costs, and also to discuss potential benefits of adopting the approach in Uganda.

Proposal to apply the life-cycle cost approach in Uganda

As a first step to introduce the life-cycle cost approach in Uganda, the Fontes Foundation Uganda with support from IRC, analysed how the Uganda rural WASH sector is financed. The new proposal for implementing the life-cycle costs approach, highlights the current and complex financing system of the WASH sector in Uganda. The document indicates that a number of tools for improving planning and budgeting are in place, but these are not always used to their full capacity—applying the life-cycle costs approach can help resolve financing issues linked to WASH service delivery.

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