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Published on: 06/07/2015

Ghana was one of the 50+ countries selected to host national consultations to contribute to defining potential priorities for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, as well to reflect on issues of implementation and the 'how', while drawing lessons for localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also has an active inter-governmental group supporting the intergovernmental negotiations on the SDGs. The implementation is expected to benefit from multistakeholder partnerships and engagement.Philanthropic foundations are contributing to global and local development debates and implementation at national levels. Yet at the national level, systematic engagement of philanthropy is often missing, as is data on their contributions even in a country such as Ghana which has a vibrant NGO and philanthropic sector

Through this workshop, participants will clearly define problems that philanthropy can address through collaborative efforts and systems-based approaches, and use the workshop as a point of departure for working together on commitments going forward.

  • Participants will create stronger linkages and identify opportunities that go beyond pilot projects to systemic problem-solving between the UN, foundations, civil society and the government, to achieve scale and deeper impact.
  • Connections will be strengthened between the organizations launching the platform and partners in Ghana who want to "plug in" through greater use of data and information.
  • Participants will explore concrete ways for foundations and their partners to develop a structured dialogue with the government and the UN in leveraging resources for common objectives.

IRC's Vida Duti Country Director Ghana office, will be speaking at the Workshop 2 on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH Sector).

This session will address the following key questions:

  • Despite significant investment by official donors and philanthropy in recent decades in the WASH sector, there are enduring challenges related to functionality, quality and sustainability - so how can philanthropy support the Government of Ghana to address these challenges in meeting their 2030 Plan on WASH (or other relevant national plan)
  • What resources will government need to achieve SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all?
  • What catalytic role can philanthropy play in providing collaboration among government, civil society and the business community work together to achieve lasting gains in this sector?
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